Montag, 22. Juli 2013

My big trip - the closing

Today, I've been traveling for 324 days. In a few hours I'll board my flight to Germany, and that's going to be the last one of my one-year-trip.
I was curios before I left towards such an extraordinary experience, if traveling alone during such a long time would change me. Well - it has not. On the contrary, I feel much more myself than ever. Plus experiences, plus confidence, minus stress and worries. That's a pretty nice feeling.
I found during this year on the road that I keep myself quite a good company. Whereas I was worried in the beginning that sometimes I might be lonely, in fact I enjoyed most of the time I spent alone very much. (Which doesn't mean that I didn't find a bunch of amazing people I've traveled with for shorter or longer time, who have deeply enriched my life!)
I made the great experience that a dream, once the first step is taken, can become reality very quickly.
I found also that I have a wonderful family and friends, who are very close to me even if I'm thousands of kilometres away. Thank you for all your support. Every comment, every mail, every wapp and every 'like' on facebook has made me immensely happy.
And then I found J. He makes Germany one of the most exciting destinations of this trip. He makes going back feel like coming home. I'm so looking forward to you.

This post is the closing of a chapter of my life which has been very exciting and utterly rewarding - as all big challenges are, once they're mastered. And should there ever arise the question if I'd accept this challenge again, I needn't think long about it:

YES, I always would.

12 Kommentare:

  1. Love it! I am so happy to have met you and know I am going to harass you in Germany sooner than later and hope you harass me in Toronto sooner than later ;) I am so glad you enjoyed your journey away and wish you a safe flight home and I can only imagine how excited you must be heading home :D

    1. You're more than welcome here! Canada is also definitely on my list of "next dream destinations"... Being home is really great, still after three days here! :-)

  2. Love it! I am so happy to have met you and know I am going to harass you in Germany sooner than later and hope you harass me in Toronto sooner than later ;) I am so glad you enjoyed your journey away and wish you a safe flight home and I can only imagine how excited you must be heading home :D

  3. Oh Nini, da muss ich ja fast weinen! Wahnsinn, wie schnell die Zeit vergangen ist!! Freu mich schon auf dich! Muchos besos

  4. Sí señora. Bien dicho. Suscribo punto por punto tu declaración, al final de una experiencia semejante. No sólo repetiría, sino que estoy deseando repetir (con Rocío la próxima vez).

    Creo que para ambos la lección de todo un año viajando ha sido justamente esa: los sueños se pueden hacer realidad, basta con ponerse a ello.

    Muchos besos y enhorabuena.

    1. Me has sido una gran inspiración. Espero que pronto podamos intercambiar experiencias de viaje (y planes para futuros proyectos...) en persona! Besos!

  5. ya sabes donde tienes un amigo, y enhorabuena por tu experiencia, para mi es admirable lo que has hecho y las experiencias que has tenido y sobre todo los guebos que le has echado... y encima la tia va y dice que ha encontrado a J. !!!, si es que te ha salido redondo maja!!!! un beso desde la caldera de madrid. muac!, jasan

    1. He disfrutado mucho con tus comentarios aquí! Si en algún momento el destino te enviaría al sur de Alemania... sabes que nunca te perdonaría no visitarme. En todo caso, antes nos veremos en Madrid, espero! Gran beso para un gran amigo!

  6. Schade,daß die Zeit so schnell verrinnt.Ist es jetzt an der Zeit zu gratulieren?Ja,ich gratuliere dir zu deinem Mut,das zu tun.Eine kleine Träne bleibt im Auge stecken,weil das jetzt vorbei ist:-)Aber die Zeit hört ja nicht auf,und das ist gut so!!!!

    1. Ich freue mich tatsächlich jetzt sehr auf den neuen Anfang hier in Deutschland. Und darüber, so schön nah bei euch allen zu sein! Bis ganz bald!

  7. und das letzte Bild sagt alles Besos und bussi
